What is a BIPP?
A Batterer's Intervention and Prevention Program (also called BIPP) works with abusers to identify and stop abusive behavior. The WCET BIPP is called Moral Compass and consists of group sessions led by trained facilitators. The program is accredited by the State of Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
While BIPPs work directly with abusers, the primary goal of the program is to enhance the safety of family violence survivors.
Costs and Attendance
Our BIPP (called Moral Compass) is a 27-week (six-month) program, with a total participant cost of $675. Each participant is required to pay $25 per each session that they attend and cannot exceed an owed balance of $200 to the program. If the participant should reach the balance of $200 owed, they will still be required to attend all sessions without receiving credit for attendance. During the length of the program, the participant is allowed a maximum of four unexcused absences before they are terminated from our BIPP.
Info for Referring Agencies
Click here for the Moral Compass Referral Form
Contact Mario for more info at 903.212.6597 or mario@wc-et.org.